feel more aliveness
illumine your path
I accompany people as we practice what we want to become,
for ourselves and a liberated future.

“practice, practice, practice
neither a new way nor a new world
will come to us all at once.
not quickly.
not without failure(s).
not without patience and determination”
“but through holy repetition –
radical rituals of hope and curiosity,
of learning and unlearning,
mending and repairing,
inventing alternative habits of power,
that construct life anew.”
1:1 Somatic Coaching
With the body at the center of our work, I partner with people to discover more of what you long for and cultivate purposeful practice to support you to embody that change.
Group Coaching
Move through a process of embodied transformation in a small group. Together we build somatic awareness, learn from each other’s processes and build new embodied skills. I co-host these sessions with another somatic coach.
Anti-racism training & facilitation
For white-identified and white-passing people we will learn more about race, racism and what it means to embody your anti-racist commitments for the sake of ending white supremacy.
Ritual Guide
I co-create ritual with individuals and communities. Through ritual we tend emotion, navigate transition and give our attention to what is moving in our life. I’d love to create with you.
For churches or Christians who are interested in organizing their community for anti-racism practice. I also support churches who are closing/selling a building and want to leverage the transition toward reparations.
Part of my offering to the world and my own creative practice is to share more of my own path through my writing.
Check it out.